How does your team stack up?

We found that 65% of reps don’t plan far enough in advance. 

  • Less than 10% give themselves over 90 minutes to prepare 🙂
  • 20% give themselves about 15-90 min to prepare 😐
  • 25% give themselves a mere 6 minutes to prepare 😬
  • Nearly 50% just wing it 🫣😵😭

Not so good if you’re trying to maximize the value of every customer meeting.

So what goes into a good meeting plan anyway?

A meeting plan should cover the basic prep and execution of the meeting, with fundamentals including:

  • Defining the meeting purpose
    • What are you trying to accomplish in this meeting?
  • Identifying attendees
    • Do you know all of the attendees and what they do?
  • Customer history
    • How is the overall partnership?
    • Are there parallel work streams with other teammates currently?
  • Defining agenda
  • Preparing topics
    • Who is preparing the visuals?
    • Do you need data from engineering?
    • Anyone else to consult internally?
  • Identifying presenters
    • Who is presenting what section?

That’s a lot to cover. Especially in 6 minutes. 

But good planning leads to better meeting outcomes. 

So how do we get reps to be better prepared with only 6 minutes? 

We’ve collectively tried: 

  • Asking (read: pleading, everything short of bribing) people to be better prepared 
  • Standardizing on google docs templates (store in Quip, Notion, Confluence, etc) 
  • Even meeting plans via salesforce custom fields 

Maybe those methods get some short term adherence, but these don’t work in the long-run; most people ignore or forget it, because it’s outside of their flow. 

Enter Meetingflow 

Meetingflow establishes best practice on meeting plans in 4 ways:

Automatically generates a preliminary meeting plan 

Meetingflow securely connects to your calendar and consolidates meeting attendees, Linkedin profiles, company news, past meeting notes, related deals, and even tells you if an attendee is not a known contact in Salesforce…so even if you do no additional planning, you have a baseline dossier at your fingertips automatically created for every meeting.

Unlimited customizable templates 

Whether a QBR, regular check-in, discovery call, advanced negotiation, you can have a template ready to cover all bases. Store deck templates, prep steps, agenda outlines that reps can apply with a single click.

Real-time Collaboration 

Easily collaborate with your teammates on any aspect of the meeting plan, from preparing and delegating prep steps, to taking notes in the meeting itself, all the way through to post meeting action items.

Best practice nudges 

Oh no, not another software email…but what if they were useful 🤔?

As part of your intelligent meeting workflow, we’ll send a daily prep email, highlighting if you have meetings that don’t have plans created. Running back to back or out of pocket? The Meetingflow Slack app will alert you an hour before with a quick link to your plan. 

Meeting workflows get summarized in a weekly report which flags attributes, such as if a call was logged in the CRM from that meeting workflow - what will you do with all the time you used to spend asking the team “did you update the CRM?” 

Ready to maximize every customer meeting? Try Meetingflow today free with a one-click calendar integration and no credit card required.

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